Painless Dentistry
The one common thing that comes to everyone’s mind thinking of dentistry is the fear of pain. Statistics reveal that it is more of anxiety and not the real pain that makes one completely uncomfortable on the dental chair. This anxiety also arises from the thought of getting injected with needles, the sight of blood, the sound of turbines running inside the mouth which are however indispensable in most dental treatments. We, the team of best dentists in Chennai at DT Smile Care have taken this as utmost priority and employed various techniques and treatment modalities that will greatly reduce your anxiety and ensure that you enjoy our treatments with best of the comforts possible

the needle-free technology, pioneered in Germany is a revolutionary approach to inject medications. The lightweight and easy to use INJEX needle free injector injects into the tissue under the skin / lucosa without a needle. It is gentle, safe and just as effective as a needle injection.
With INJEX available at the clinic, even your kid is happy to go to the dentist

2. Dental Laser
Lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. In dentistry soft tissue laser finds several applications like treating gum diseases, cosmetic reshaping of gums, disinfection of root canals, removal of small growths in the mouth, performing biopsies, to speed up in-office teeth whitening system, relieving muscle pain associated with temporo-mandibular joint etc.
LASERS make it possible to perform all this without the use of surgical blade, sutures and without any bleeding, pain or discomfort to the patient. Most of these procedures are also done without the use of any local anesthetic, however topical anesthetic may be required in few cases.
3. Clear Aligners in orthodontics
Orthodontics is the first and best treatment of choice for crooked and malaligned teeth. However with conventional braces, metal or ceramic brackets are fixed on to the teeth which remain so for a period of around 2 years, and are associated with certain amount of discomfort, including food restrictions, occasional occurrence of ulcers, difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene, thus making it a not so pleasing experience for the patients.
CLEAR ALIGNERS are transparent, removable plastic trays that are worn on top of the teeth that can effectively correct several cases of malalignment without all the above mentioned discomfort and in an amazingly short period of time.